Most individuals are not crazy by themselves; it is when
people group up that causes mass chaos. During the Salem witch trials, people
went crazy and started killing innocent women because of mob mentality. Usually
under normal circumstances, the characters would never say the things that they
said during the witch trials. They revealed all the issues and problems and
blamed and accused others for their own gain. This mob mentality reminds me of
the movie World War Z. The movie is about how people react and survive a worldwide
epidemic. The virus turns people into zombies. World War Z begins with the main
character and his family. No one knows about the zombies yet, but they see many
police officers and there is a huge traffic jam. When a explosion goes off, people
begin to panic. One scene is where a truck driver decides to ram into all the
traffic. Still nobody knows the cause, but they began to run and scream and
chaos consumes everyone's action. Flight or Fight kicks in and people go
insane. They do things that they would normally never ever do. The environment and people around them causes them to go crazy. In both the Crucible and World War Z, mob mentality plays a huge role in how people act.
I agree, Zach. Mob mentality and fear are the main causes of hysteria in society. I feel that your mention of the "fight or flight response" is a good reason for why people act differently in pressured situations or in a mob. Nice post!