Walter is a good example of what money does to people. Just like many lottery winners, Walter is consumed by this large amount of cash that has instantly opened many opportunities. This money has created this false sense of hope for Walter as he know feels like he has a chance to reach his dream. Walter had good intentions. He wanted to support his family, but instead he did the opposite. The cash started to tear apart the family. Walter was so caught up with the money and his dream that he became a reckless, drunk jerk. Mama was incredibly smart in buying the house. She saved the family and brought them back together once again. Then mama makes the mistake in giving money to Walter and they lose it all. Yay, Walter! When are you ever not screwing everyone over?
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Money in the head
I can understand Walter a little bit. He wants to make some dough, some paper, some bread, dat cheddar and cheese. He wanna make it rain. He wants to make bank! But he can't make no money being an average old servant. He gotta dream BIG. But he ain't got no money. How he gonna get all dat cash with no money?! That's where big mama comes in. She got dem $$$$. 10000 dollars is nice, but ol' Walter need more then that. He wants to make an investment to make that cash. Nobody understand him though. They don't see his dream like he does. He begins to get angry cuz no one listens to him. He gonna take it out on his wife. Bad idea! He going go cray cray over dat money.
Walter is a good example of what money does to people. Just like many lottery winners, Walter is consumed by this large amount of cash that has instantly opened many opportunities. This money has created this false sense of hope for Walter as he know feels like he has a chance to reach his dream. Walter had good intentions. He wanted to support his family, but instead he did the opposite. The cash started to tear apart the family. Walter was so caught up with the money and his dream that he became a reckless, drunk jerk. Mama was incredibly smart in buying the house. She saved the family and brought them back together once again. Then mama makes the mistake in giving money to Walter and they lose it all. Yay, Walter! When are you ever not screwing everyone over?
Walter is a good example of what money does to people. Just like many lottery winners, Walter is consumed by this large amount of cash that has instantly opened many opportunities. This money has created this false sense of hope for Walter as he know feels like he has a chance to reach his dream. Walter had good intentions. He wanted to support his family, but instead he did the opposite. The cash started to tear apart the family. Walter was so caught up with the money and his dream that he became a reckless, drunk jerk. Mama was incredibly smart in buying the house. She saved the family and brought them back together once again. Then mama makes the mistake in giving money to Walter and they lose it all. Yay, Walter! When are you ever not screwing everyone over?
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Dessert is the best part of dinner. I crave it every night. Sometimes its cake. Sometimes its a cookie. My mouth waters just thinking about it. When dinner begins I cannot wait for it. Tonight is a my moms specialty, money spaghetti. It is very "rich" in flavor. I quickly eat my spaghetti, shoving handfuls of it into my mouth. The spaghetti is delicious, so great, but I rush eating my meal for that savory goodness at the end. My mom notices I am eating my food quickly and decides that I must be extremely hungry and need more food. She lobs two gigantic spoonfuls of spaghetti onto my plate and smiles. I look at the food in horror. I must finish this quick. I shovel the food into my throat and once again, my mom puts more spaghetti in front of me. I quickly gobble that down too. I'm so full, yet I MUST have my dessert. It's a Daisy doodle cookie. I look at it and realize I am so full. I don't know if I want it anymore. I ignore my stomachs cry to stop eating and take a bite of the snicker doodle. It doesn't taste like heaven at all. In fact, I feel sick eating it. Oh god, It's disgusting. I run to the bathroom and throw up. It was not worth it. I had rushed through all of the glorious dinner for a Daisy doodle, which was not even that great anyways. I ruined my whole night and I end up next to the toilet.

Sunday, December 1, 2013
Gatsby is a very good example of what love can do to you. People go crazy, and stupid for love. And in the end he paid for it. Because of his obsession in getting her back, he did crazy things and made some really bad enemies. There are plenty of fish in the sea and Gatsby could have gotten another girl just as rich with his charming smile. He was soooo much better than her. Also she was taken already. Don't mess with another guys girl, even if the guys a douche. Gatsby really doesn't know when to move on. After all those years and you still only like one girl who already is married and is really shallow. He crazy! I think he kinda is a stalker. He tracked her down, bought a house near her. Goes out every night to look at her from a distance. And also the amount of money her spent on her. Thousands of dollars every night. Millions of dollars on the house. Another couple million for his cars and "toys" all to impress her. And in the end he doesn't even get the girl! He dies in a pool alone, by himself. And what happens when he died. No one goes to his funeral. If he actually spent time trying to make some real friends instead of obsessing over a girl that he could never get, maybe he would have had more people at his funeral, and had more people that actually loved him. No one really loved Gatsby. He could have been so much happier if he had just gave up on Daisy.
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