Sunday, November 24, 2013
Das Racist
In class, we often talked about African Americans and their perseverance through the hard times of slavery and discrimination. Then we talked about women, who also suffered from being treated unequal. Throughout my entire time at school, the main focus are these two people that "suffered." I don't get why African Americans need to be talked about so much. Can't we think of other people that suffered? We do every once in a while put a variation like talking about Jews and Native Americans, but then we go back to African Americans. Everyone suffers in this world and we shouldn't just keep focusing on one group. I'm not saying to be like the history teacher and lie about all the conflicts in the past. What I want is a mixture of everyone from every race and background to be talked about. How bout them Asians? We suffered through stuff right? Chinese people building railroads was pretty brutal, but all of that doesn't matter. What matters is the African Americans and their slavery thing. Or how they were discriminated throughout the cruel years. Why don't we ever talk about other people and their problems? Kids that suffer in the ghettos or people suffering from depression are rarely talked about. Maybe the reason there is so much racism is because that is all we talk about. When I was little, I knew nothing about racist stereotypes. It was only till I was older that I learned all this nonsense.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
True self
No one acts the same around everyone. People hide their true thoughts and feeling about each other. Your friend could be your worst enemy, just like how Chillingworth was disguised as Dimmsdales close friend. Another example is Severus Snape in Harry Potter. Turns out that "evil" teacher was actually Harry Potter's protector. I really hate how everyone doesn't truly express themselves. I am a example of that. I envy those who have the courage to go out and be who they truly are and are not afraid of what others think of them. There are different motives as to why people hide their thoughts. It could be that they want to be polite and not tell the man next to him that their breath stinks. Or it could be a person like Chillingworth who wants to hurt Dimmsdale? What would it be like if everyone truly spoke their mind? If all thoughts came out? Would it be better or worse? Am I asking a lot of questions? Potato.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Men and Women
Many women over the years have fought for more freedom and equality, but I do not think that this will ever happen. Men and Women will never be the equal. Men will naturally be stronger than women on average. Sports such as football will never be played by women. I really don't understand why women want to be equal. I can understand that women want respect and the option to do whatever they want, but why do they strive to be so independent. Their are so many cases where men are chosen over women for a job and feminist go crazy about that. They think that people just are sexist and think men are better. Maybe the real reason why the interviewer choose the man over the woman was because men have some characteristics that a better than women when choosing an employee. One example is pregnancy. Men don't get pregnant! Lets just say that two applicants are in their early 20's and they are applying for a job, one a man, the other a woman. If I were an interviewer higher someone, I want someone I can depend on that will at work all the time and will work hard. Around 20's and 30's, people will want to start a family and have kids and all that crap. If a woman gets pregnant, she needs a maternity leave. A guy, however, doesn't have the option and will continue working will the women gets a huge PAID break. Also when a woman has a child, by nature, that child is the number one priority to the woman. This may distract her from her work and she won't be as efficient. Now this is not always the case, but if I were an interviewer, that is what I would think. Men will be men, women will be women. They will probably never be equal. I think that women should have the option to pursue their passion and dreams and they should be treated with respect, but will they ever be equal to men? When I say that women are not equal to men, I don't mean women are inferior to men. I mean that they will never be the same. Each gender has their own advantages and disadvantages and should be lucky and happy to be who they are.

Sunday, November 3, 2013
Chillingworth, to Dimmesdale, is a friend and a physician who helps him with his health and is good company. Yet Chillingworth is the exact opposite. He is manipulative, evil, and merciless as he destroys the good minister. Dimmesdale refused to believe that Chillingworth is bad because his belief that Chillingworth is good. Some of the towns people start to notice the evil that resides in Chillingworth. How can one tell if they do have a true friend? Most people assume their friends are trustworthy. People would hope their friends are psychopathic crazy maniacs that want revenge. But you can never tell. Just like Dimmesdale, you can put your faith in someone, but you will never know a persons thoughts and true intentions. You can only interpret through your friends actions of what they want and what they do. No one knows exactly what I am thinking, and I don't exactly what other people are thinking. We have friends because we hope that we can trust another human being to help us out. And friends gain trust by helping and giving. That's how Chillingworth got close to Dimmesdale. He "helped" Dimmesdale out so that he could hurt and manipulate as he pleased. It reminds me of the quote, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."(although Chillingworth really didn't have friends). If you really want to hurt someone bad, be his friend, and then stab him in the back. It may take 7 years, but it is totally worth it.

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